A Phase 1/2 Open-Label Multi-Center Trial to Assess Safety Tolerability Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics and Efficacy of CLN-081 in Patients With Locally-Advanced or Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Harboring EGFR Exon 20 Insertion Mutations Who Have Previously Received Platinum-Based Systemic Chemotherapy
Brief description of study
Phase 1: Plasma exposures of orally administered CLN-081 monotherapy associated with pre-clinical efficacy can be achieved in patients with less than 18% of patients experiencing a dose limiting toxicity. Phase 2: Oral administration of CLN-081 monotherapy at one or more doses will be associated with an overall response rate of 40%.
Clinical Study Identifier: s19-01652
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04036682
Principal Investigator:
Vamsidhar Velcheti.
Other Investigators:
Danny Perlaza,
Samantha VanMaanen,
Jonathan B Kahn,
Elka R Travis,
Salman Rafi Punekar,
Jessica Wang,
Carol M Lee,
James Newman,
Gabrielle Fridman,
Joshua K Sabari,
Marissa Rybstein,
David Mendoza,
Melissa L Martinez,
Sally Lau,
Jeffrey G Schneider,
Natalia Cherkassky,
Kirby Rodriguez,
Elaine Shum.
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