A Phase 3 Multi-center Randomized Double-blinded Study of MK-7684 with Pembrolizumab as a Co-formulation (MK-7684A) Versus Pembrolizumab Monotherapy as a First Line Treatment for Participants with PD-L1 Positive (TPS>=1%) Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Brief description of study
This is a Phase 3 randomized, active-controlled, parallel-group, multi-site, double-blind study of MK-7684A versus pembrolizumab. Participants with metastatic Stage IV NSCLC with no previous treatment for Stage IV disease and PD-L1 positive tumors (TPS =1%) will be enrolled in the study. This study will be conducted in participants with measurable disease in whom EGFR-, ALK-, or ROS1-targeted therapy is not indicated.
Clinical Study Identifier: s20-01730
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04738487
Principal Investigator:
Marissa Rybstein.
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