s23-00723: A Phase 3 Randomized Active-controlled Open-label Multicenter Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of MK-2870 Monotherapy Versus Treatment of Physician s Choice in Participants With Endometrial Cancer Who Have Received Prior Platinum-based Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy (MK-2870-005/ENGOT-en23/GOG-3095)

Brief description of study

This study is studying two treatments: MK-2870 versus chemotherapy (doxorubicin or paclitaxel) to see which is more effective for patients with endometrial cancer. It involves patients who had certain treatments (Platinum-based Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy) before. The main goal is to see which treatment helps patients live longer without their cancer getting worse. They will get either MK-2870 or TPC (Treatment of Physician's Choice) chemotherapy. Patients will be split into two groups, and the doctors will follow them over time. If a patient's cancer gets better, they might stop the treatment, and the doctors will keep checking on them. If the cancer gets worse, they might try something else, and the doctors will keep watching to see what happens. The doctors will also look out for any side effects from the treatments and report them.

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