A Phase 1 First-in-Human Open Label Dose Escalation Study of MGD009 A Humanized B7-H3 x CD3 Dual-Affinity Re-Targeting (DART ) Protein in Patients with Unresectable or Metastatic B7-H3-Expressing Neoplasms and Neoplasms whose Vasculature Expresses

Brief description of study

f you have been diagnosed with unresectable or metastatic neoplasms (tumors that cannot be removed with surgery or that have spread to other parts of your body), you may qualify for this study evaluating the investigational drug MGD009. The main goal of this Phase I study is to see what effects, good and/or bad, MGD009 has on people with unresectable or metastatic neoplasms and if treatment with MGD009 can cause some tumors to shrink or grow more slowly.

Clinical Study Identifier: s16-02085
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCTs16-02085

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