Prospective Database of Clinical Outcomes Following Cryotherapy for ablation of clinically localized prostate cancer
Brief description of study
Primary Objective: To record the treatment results and impact on clinical parameters following of Cryotherapy for ablation of clinically localized prostate cancer. Primary outcome variables of interest include PSA-progression free survival, histologic evaluation of treatment efficacy and imaging surveillance of treatment effects. Secondary Objectives: To determine the long-term urinary and sexual side effects following Cryo prostate ablation treatment. Background and Rationale Many reports of clinical outcomes following treatment of localized prostate cancer suffer from lack of prospective long-term data using objective and validated outcome instruments. The purpose of this database is to prospectively collect data to assessing oncologic outcomes and urinary/sexual function after Cryoablation of prostate cancer with the intent to guide further research and improve patient care. Only patients of Herbert Lepor, M.D. and James Wysock, M.D. will be entered into this database.
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