2 clinical trials found.
INTREPId (INTermediate Risk Erection PreservatIon Trial): A Randomized Trial of Radiation Therapy and Darolutamide for Prostate Cancer
This is a randomized non-inferiority trial of 6-months of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist and bicalutamide plus radiation therapy (RT) versus 6-months of Darolutamide plus ... -
Parallel Phase III Randomized Trials for High Risk Prostate Cancer Evaluating De-Intensification for Lower Genomic Risk and Intensification of Concurrent Therapy for Higher Genomic Risk with Radiation (PREDICT-RT*)
In this study, patients are divided into two groups based on their Decipher score, which helps determine their risk level. High-risk patients, with a Decipher ...