Site for WUH: Effect of storage on breast milk cytokines in premature infants in the first 4 weeks after birth

Brief description of study

Site for The Objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of storage of freshly expressed breast milk at different temperatures (Room air, 4°C, -20°C) on cytokine levels at different stages of breast milk maturation from week 1 to 4 at different gestational ages. Our central hypothesis is that freezing(-20°C) of breast milk will decrease the anti-inflammatory cytokine levels in breast milk and hence decrease the protective effects on the infant’s GI track to prevent NEC. Also, we hypothesize that anti-inflammatory cytokine levels will decrease as the breast milk matures from week 1 to 4. The significance of this project is that we could change the way we routinely store premature breast milk in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, to preserve its protective cytokines.

Clinical Study Identifier: s18-01725

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