Blood Flow Restriction Therapy in Achilles Injury: A Randomized Controlled Single-Blind Study

Brief description of study

Blood flow restriction (BFR) therapy is a brief and partial restriction of venous outflow of an extremity during low load resistance exercises. It is a safe and effective method of improving strength in healthy and active individuals, recovering from orthopedic pathologies and procedures. We would like to study the implications this form of treatment has on the rehabilitation of Achilles injuries. This will be a single-center, prospective, randomized study. Eligible patients include patients at least 18 years of age and patients rehabbing from Achilles injuries after operative and non-operative management. Some exclusion criteria include: legally incompetent or mentally impaired and patients with the intention to receive standard therapy and not the study therapy.

Clinical Study Identifier: s19-01244 Identifier: NCT04104126

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