Personalizing sleep interventions to prevent type 2 diabetes in community dwelling adults with prediabetes: A phase 1 single center randomized clinical trial of the effects of improving sleep on glycemic control in participants with prediabetes

Brief description of study

The proposed study will test the effects of a sleep intervention versus a control intervention on the percentage of time glucose is greater than or equal to 140 mg/dL (n = 75 per group) in short sleeping, community-dwelling adults with prediabetes. Specifically, the sleep intervention aims to achieve adequate sleep duration (7-8 hours) and regular sleep patterns among enrolled participants. Wearable sensor technologies (continuous glucose monitoring and accelerometry) will be used. This study will inform personalized sleep interventions that improve glycemic responses and prevent or delay progression to type 2 diabetes.

Clinical Study Identifier: s19-01745 Identifier: NCT03398902
Principal Investigator: Susan Malone.
Other Investigator: Gail D'Eramo Melkus.

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