Transcranial Photobiomodulation for Alzheimer's Disease

Are you eligible to participate in this study?

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
    Mild Cognitive Impairment
  • Age: Between 65 Year(s) - 85 Year(s)
  • Gender: Male or Female
  • Other Inclusion Criteria:
    1. Participants must provide written informed consent form and follow study procedures
    2. Aged between 65 and 85 years
    3. 3. Meets the Petersen MCI criteria for Amnestic MCI (single and multiple domain)90 with a, Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR)92 between 0.5-1.0, and a FAST of 1-3
    4. Consents to permit and identifies a willing informed relative, family member, or spouse for study staff to interview to confirm subject reports
    5. Have at least a high school diploma/12 years of education

You may not be eligible for this study if the following are true:

    1. Unwilling/unable to comply with study procedures
    2. Other diagnosis of dementia (i.e., not Alzheimer’s type), history of brain tumor, MRI evidence of brain damage or brain disease including significant trauma, hydrocephalus, seizures, intellectual disability, or other serious neurological disorder (e.g., Parkinson’s disease or other movement disorders)
    3. History of significant cardiovascular or cerebrovascular pathology (e.g., myocardial infarction; stroke)
    4. Clinically unstable systemic medical disorders
    5. Current DSM-5 diagnosis of alcohol or drug use disorder other major psychiatric illness (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar, PTSD, depression)
    6. Clinical or laboratory evidence of hypothyroidism
    7. Clinically significant abnormal findings of laboratory parameters or at physical examination
    8. Medications affecting cognition (e.g., narcotic analgesics; chronic use of medications with anticholinergic activity, anti-Parkinsonian medications, antipsychotic meds, etc.). Stable use (i.e., longer than or equal to 6 months) of memantine or acetylcholinesterase inhibitors will be allowed.
    9. Family history of early onset (<60 y/o) dementia
    10. Body size and shape not allowing for a comfortable fit in PET and MRI scanners
    11. Past intolerance or hypersensitivity to t-PBM
    12. Significant skin conditions on the subject’s scalp in the area of the procedure sites
    13. Any use of light-activated drugs (photodynamic therapy) within 14 days prior to study enrollment
    14. Any type of implants in the head, whose functioning might be affected by t-PBM, or any prosthetic devices (e.g., pacemaker or surgical clips) that constitutes a hazard for MRI imaging
    15. Claustrophobia or metallic foreign bodies that would preclude MRI

If you are registered as a volunteer, please log in to contact the study team/express interest in this study.

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