Site for Abaloparatide versus Placebo for Pelvic Fracture Healing - A Phase 2 Randomized Controlled Trial

Brief description of study

Site for This is a prospective randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase 2, three-month study of the efficacy of abaloparatide in postmenopausal women and men = 50 years of age with acute fractures of the pelvis. We will extend this study with 9 months of open label abaloparatide to determine if any potential differences between the placebo and abaloparatide groups during the 3 months of treatment are evident and persist over time, even in patients who use abaloparatide after the three-month placebo controlled intervention. Our primary outcome is CT evidence of fracture healing at the 12-week endpoint. After initiating ABALOPARATIDE or ABALOPARATIDE placebo, all patients will get follow-up pelvic radiographs following standard care and radiographs will stop when healing occurs.

Clinical Study Identifier: s20-00894 Identifier: NCT04249232
Principal Investigator: Kenneth A Egol.

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