Fibroblast Growth Factor Regeneration of Tympanic Membrane Perforations (IND 156083)

Brief description of study

A Phase II randomized trial will be initiated to evaluate efficacy of FGF-2 in treatment of chronic non-healing tympanic membrane perforation. This study is a double blinded, placebo-controlled phase II study evaluating the efficacy of FGF-2 for the treatment of chronic non-healing tympanic membrane perforations (TMP). The documentation of TM closure will be the main efficacy outcome measure. Pretreatment photographs will document the area of the TM perforation and allow measurement of surface areas of the TMP for comparison of pre- and post-treatment. The study will be divided into two phases, the Randomized Treatment phase (part A), and the Unblinded Crossover phase (part B). In part A of the study, subjects will be randomized 1:1 to receive FGF-2 or placebo treatment up to 3 treatments. Subjects that fail three study treatments will move on to part B of the study. Subjects who received placebo in part A and failed three placebo treatments will crossover to receive unblinded FGF-2 for up to 3 treatments. Subjects who received FGF-2 in part A and failed three experimental treatments will not have additional FGF-2 treatment, and will move on to study follow up.

Clinical Study Identifier: s21-00672 Identifier: NCT04960384
Principal Investigator: David R Friedmann.

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