A pilot neuroimaging study of adults with prolonged grief disorder (PGD) compared to bereaved controls after death of a spouse or parent

Brief description of study

For this study we will recruit an estimated 20 participants to have 10 participants be eligible and complete the study. They will be adults age 40 to 65 who have experienced spousal or parental loss in the last one to three years prior to baseline intake. Half the participants will meet criteria for prolonged grief disorder (PGD) for whom grief is the primary current emotional concern, while the control group will be bereaved adults without PGD. After completing initial screening procedures, consenting, and clinical eligibility assessments including structured clinical interviews for DSM5 diagnoses and PGD with a study clinician, subjects will complete additional clinical assessments and a battery of validated experimental tasks with psychophysiology in an fMRI scanner.

Clinical Study Identifier: s21-01649
Principal Investigator: Naomi M. Simon.

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