Race-spEcific regional Tau deposition and role of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (RETOSA)
Brief description of study
This proposal will generate pilot data for an R01 application that aims to determine whether Blacks/African Americans (‘blacks’) generally exhibit lower tau-PET signal compared to non-Hispanic whites (‘whites’) for a given level of global Aß burden, and further determine the effect of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) as a possible race-related biologic mechanism on this signal. To do this, we will leverage data and resources from NYU Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC NYULH STUDY ID#: s20-00427) and two affiliated ongoing NIH supported R01 studies (2R01AG056031 NYULH STUDY ID#: s17-01005 and 1R01AG056531 NYULH STUDY ID#: s18-01302). All studies have neuroimaging measures of vascular burden, and amyloid. NYULH STUDY ID#: s17-01005 and NYULH STUDY ID#: s20-00427 have tau-PET neuroimaging using 18F-PI2620 or 18F-MK6240 MR scans. NYULH STUDY ID#: s17-01005 and NYULH STUDY ID#: s18-01302 have nocturnal polysomnography (NPSG) recordings. This study adds tau-PET neuroimaging using 18F-PI2620 or 18F-MK6240 MR scan to 24 black subjects in 1R01AG056531 NYULH STUDY ID#: s18-01302. Altogether, subjects will include 120 cognitively normal (60 controls [30 blacks & 30 whites recruited from both NYULH STUDY ID#: s18-01302 & NYULH STUDY ID#: s20-00427) and 60 newly diagnosed OSA subjects with complaints of EDS [30 blacks & 30 whites]), ages 60-75 (recruited from NYULH STUDY ID#: s17-01005) relatively matched on or similar in age (60-75 range), sex, BMI, education and income.
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