A Multicenter Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Parallel Arm Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of a Single Treatment of BOTOX Followed by an Optional Open-Label Treatment with BOTOX in Female Subjects with Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS)
Are you eligible to participate in this study?
You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:
Conditions: Interstitial Cystitis/bladder Pain Syndrome (ic/bps)
Age: Between 18 Year(s) - 75 Year(s)
Gender: Female
Other Inclusion Criteria:
- IC/BPS for at least 6 months and confirmed dominant bladder-derived pain, without Hunner lesions.
You may not be eligible for this study if the following are true:
- Anything other than a positive response to the inclusion criteria above will result in exclusion from study participation.
If you are registered as a volunteer, please log in to contact the study team/express interest in this study.