PERSPIRE: A pilot study of Pro-rEsolving and pRo-inflammatory reSPonses to acute exhaustIve exeRcisE in healthy individuals
Are you eligible to participate in this study?
You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:
Conditions: Exercise
Age: Between 18 Year(s) - 50 Year(s)
Gender: Male or Female
Other Inclusion Criteria:
- Willingness to provide informed consent and participate in PRESPIRE.
- Able to read and speak English adequately to provide informed consent and understand verbal and written instructions.
- BMI < 30kg/m2.
- Untrained: self-reporting no more than 1 day per week of regular exercise (inclusive of walking >5,000 steps daily and commuting via bicycle).
- Trained: self-reporting at least 4 hours of aerobic exercise/moderate or greater intensity physical activity weekly for the past year.
You may not be eligible for this study if the following are true:
- Anti-platelet medication use.
- Chronic inflammatory or connective tissue disease.
- History of bleeding or clotting disorder.
- Immunological deficiency.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Stage 2 or greater hypertension on screening.
- Cardiovascular disease.
- Chronic obstructive lung disease.
- Active smoking.
- >5% body weight change over the past 6 months or plan to gain/lose weight during the study.
- Platelet count <100,000.
- Use of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation within 3 weeks of study participation.
- Use of drugs or supplements known to inhibit COX-1/COX-2/lipoxygenases.
- Corticosteroid use.
- Use of beta-blocker medications.
- Use of alpha-blocker medications.
- Use of NSAIDs or aspirin within 2 weeks of study participation.
- Vaccination within 2 weeks of study participation.
- Pregnancy.
If you are registered as a volunteer, please log in to contact the study team/express interest in this study.