A pilot proof of concept study the contribution of eye-hand coordination impairment to functional deficits in stroke

Brief description of study

We propose a quantitative assessment of eye-hand function in 30 stroke patients and 30 age- and sex-matched healthy adults. To explore structural and functional changes in frontoparietal networks are critical for eye-hand coupling and efficient performance of visually guided activities of daily living. We expect results from our proposal will provide a foundation for an improved understanding of eye-hand coordination in functional deficits and functional recovery, post-stroke. This advanced knowledge will provide the basis for future translational research to develop new clinical assessments and interventional approaches to address EHdC in stroke survivors. Achieving the aims of this proposal will also address the current gap between motor recovery and functional recovery in stroke survivors with EHdC. We seek to characterize frontoparietal microstructure associated with EHdC and to identify how they relate to the motor ability of the eye, the hand, and clinical measures of functional recovery in MCA stroke.

Clinical Study Identifier: s23-00014
Principal Investigator: John Ross Rizzo.

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