A Phase 3 Double-blind Placebo-controlled Randomized Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Epicutaneous Immunotherapy with DBV712 250 g in 4-7-year-old Children with Peanut Allergy

Brief description of study

This is a 12-month, Phase 3, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study to assess the efficacy and safety of daily DBV712 250 µg in peanut-allergic children aged 4-7 years. The overall maximum study duration for each subject is approximately 58 weeks: 4-week Screening Period, 12-month Treatment Period and 2-week Follow-up Period.

Clinical Study Identifier: s23-00262
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT05741476
Principal Investigator: Anna H Nowak-Wegrzyn.
Other Investigator: Kanwaljit Brar.

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