Neural markers of risk for anxiety in infancy
Are you eligible to participate in this study?
You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:
Conditions: Typical Developing InfantsMay Oversample For Those With Genetic Risk For Anxiety
Age: Between 12 Month(s) - 16 Month(s)
Gender: Male or Female
Other Inclusion Criteria:
- Provision of signed and dated informed consent form.
- Child age: 12 - 16 months.
- Child born full-term (at least 37 weeks).
You may not be eligible for this study if the following are true:
- Child born at less than 37 weeks gestation.
- Child low birth weight (<2,500 g).
- Child birth with severe pregnancy or delivery complications.
- First degree relative with autism, intellectual disability, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, developmental delay.
- Child contraindication to MRI.
If you are registered as a volunteer, please log in to contact the study team/express interest in this study.