Glycemic and Cardiometabolic Biomarker improvements associated with reduction in air pollution exposure
Brief description of study
In this research, we will conduct a double-blind, sham-controlled, randomized trial to examine the glycemic and cardiometabolic impact of air pollution exposure reduction using home portable air cleaners (PACs) in a cohort of 142 adult with prediabetes. This study will not evaluate the PAC or sham as medical devices in the context of this research; rather, the PAC and sham will be used per their commercialized indication as tools to standardize the conditions in order to measure the glycemic and cardiometabolic impact of reduced air pollution exposure.
Clinical Study Identifier: s23-00755 Identifier: NCT05994937
Principal Investigator:
Jonathan Newman.
Other Investigators:
Terry Gordon,
Jose O. Aleman,
Lorna E. Thorpe,
Sharine Lynn Wittkopp,
William L Blau.
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