Diverse VCID: White Matter Lesion Etiology of Dementia in Diverse Populations

Are you eligible to participate in this study?

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
    Vascular Cognitive Impairment And Dementia
  • Age: Between 18 Year(s) - 100 Year(s)
  • Gender: Male or Female
  • Other Inclusion Criteria:
    1. Adults between the ages of 65-90.
    2. Cognitive Complaint
    3. Incidental White Matter Hyperintensities (WMH) will be defined as the presence of any WMH abnormalities seen on FLAIR imaging.
    4. Capacity to consent.

You may not be eligible for this study if the following are true:

    1. Inability to complete an MRI
    2. Inability to complete a blood draw
    3. Inability to complete medical and neurological examination
    4. Inability to complete questionnaires
    5. History of stroke
    6. Clinical Dementia
    7. Central nervous system (CNS) Infection
    8. Tumor or other brain lesions or structural anomalies that prevent prescribed MRI analysis such as congenital malformations, large cysts, etc.
    9. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) of moderate or greater severity
    10. Unstable major medical illness
    11. Motor disorder that precludes neuropsychological testing
    12. Psychosis not secondary to neurological disease
    13. History of drug or alcohol abuse within the last 5 years
    14. Sensory or motor defect that precludes neuropsychological testing
    15. Inability to consent

If you are registered as a volunteer, please log in to contact the study team/express interest in this study.

Contact the research team to learn more about this study.

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