DELIVER - Dapagliflozin Evaluation to Improve the LIVEs of Patients with PReserved Ejection Fraction Heart Failure An International Double-blind Randomised Placebo-Controlled Phase III Study to Evaluate the Effect of Dapagliflozin on Reducing CV D

Brief description of study

Dapagliflozin (Forxiga™/Farxiga™) is approved by health authorities as a medication for treating type 2 diabetic patients worldwide. Because it is being evaluated in subjects with heart failure, with or without type 2 diabetes, its use in this study is considered investigational. Investigational means it has not been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for treatment of heart failure. Previous data from dapagliflozin and similar type of medications indicate that they might have beneficial effects on heart failure. Dapagliflozin decreases blood sugar in diabetic patients but has not been shown to cause low blood sugar in people who do not have diabetes. This research study is carried out to see if dapagliflozin is effective in preventing worsening of heart failure and improving survival in patients with heart failure and preserved systolic function. Dapagliflozin will be compared with placebo (inactive medication), in addition to the participant's current heart failure medication. The placebo tablet will look identical with the dapagliflozin tablet.

Clinical Study Identifier: s18-01263 Identifier: NCT03619213

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