Does the Presence of Preoperative Proteinuria Predict Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury in Obese Patients Undergoing Elective Laparoscopic Surgery?

Brief description of study

The research design of this study is a prospective cohort study. Potential subjects will be any patients undergoing elective laparoscopic weight loss surgery including: gastric band placement, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, or a combination of the above procedures. Bariatrics group at NYULMC currently performs 900 procedures/year. Greater than 98% of these patients are seen at Pre-Admission Clinic (PAT) and will be identified during their visit. Pre-operative urine sample will be collected during PAT visit and a urinary albumin to creatinine ratio (uACR) will be calculated after laboratory analysis. All subjects will receive standardized educational material about risk of CKD from the National Kidney Foundation. AKI will be diagnosed and staged using the KDIGO criteria. The lowest creatinine value on file within 30 days prior to surgery will serve as the reference value. The primary outcome measure will be post-operative creatinine. The highest postoperative serum creatinine value obtained within 48 hours after surgery will be used as the comparison value. We hypothesize that preoperative proteinuria will be associated with an increased incidence of AKI within 48 hours after elective laparoscopic bariatric surgery.

Clinical Study Identifier: s16-00775 Identifier: NCT1234
Principal Investigator: Liliya Pospishil.

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