A single-center longitudinal study of the diagnosis clinical course risk factors causes and treatment of cognitive impairment in aging Alzheimer s disease (AD) and related disorders
The purpose is to study the diagnosis, clinical course, risk factors, causes and treatment of cognitive impairment in aging, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related ... -
Edwards PASCAL TrAnScatheter Valve RePair System Pivotal Clinical Trial (CLASP IID/IIF): A prospective multicenter randomized controlled pivotal trial to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of transcatheter mitral valve repair with the Edwards PASCAL Transcatheter Valve Repair System compared to Abbott MitraClip in patients with mitral regurgitation
This is a prospective, multicenter, randomized, parallel-group study to compare the safety and effectiveness of the PASCAL System to the MitraClip System for reduction of ... -
Investigating auditory processing in the users of auditory brainstem and cochlear implants
This is a basic investigational research study conducted with hearing impaired adults and children who use cochlear implant or auditory brainstem implant (ABI) devices. The ... -
A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess the Management of Moderate Aortic Stenosis by Clinical Surveillance or Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement : The PROGRESS Trial
This is a randomized 1:1 trial in which subjects will receive transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) with the SAPIEN 3/SAPIEN 3 Ultra transcatheter ... -
Dentatorubral-Pallidoluysian Atrophy Natural History and Biomarkers Study (DRPLA NHBS)
This is a prospective, limited collection of retrospective information, longitudinal, multi-national, multi-center study, observational, confirmed DRPLA-mutation carrier and a volunteer control group. -
A Placebo-Controlled Efficacy in iNPH Shunting (PENS) Trial
This is a multicenter, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled study of patients with suspected idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH). Using FDA-approved technology, we propose a prospective randomized ... -
A computational approach to optimal deactivation of cochlear implant electrodes
The goal of the present study is to use computationally driven models of speech understanding in CI users to guide the search for which combination ... -
We propose a longitudinal study of monozygotic twins discordant for psoriatic disease. Subjects will be characterized with detailed clinical questionnaires in addition to blood, fecal ... -
Mechanisms of Vascular Aneurysms
Our mission is to enable the use of human tissues with outcome data by basic and clinical investigators for research into the biology, causes, prevention ... -
The Role of Residual Hearing in Cochlear Implant Outcomes
Cochlear implants (CIs) have the potential to restore high frequency hearing electrically while maintaining residual low frequency hearing, allowing for simultaneous electric and acoustic listening ...