NYU Pediatric Diabetes Database and Biobank
The pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes is still incompletely understood. Markers of autoimmunity and immunologic changes occur prior to the development of elevated blood sugar ... -
Reduction in spread of excitation as predictor of multi-channel spectral resolution
Despite the impoverished information provided by a cochlear implant (CI), patients are unable to use all of the information provided by the CI speech processor ... -
Age-related sleep changes and common sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may increase amyloid burden and represent risk factors for cognitive decline. In this ... -
Impact of time restricted feeding in obese subjects undergoing a low-calorie diet
The impact of circadian rhythms appear to impact various biologic mechanisms including sleep, nutrition, and physical activity. We wish to understand the impact of timing ... -
Quantitative Analysis of Carpal Kinematics Using Dynamic MRI
Automated image processing pipeline will facilitate clinical translation. The ability to assess dynamic motion patterns will contribute to diagnosis, therapy, and prosthesis development for wrist ... -
Using a Health Disparity Research Framework to examine mechanisms linking Obstructive Sleep Apnea with higher Alzheimer s disease risk in older Blacks/African-Americans
Blacks/African-Americans (blacks) have two times the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) compared to non-Hispanic whites (whites), in part attributable to the higher ... -
Survey to assess preference for colon cancer screening test
This survey-based study aims to understand patient preferences and decision making when choosing from colorectal cancer screening test options. Our aim is to understand patient ... -
Mobilis Laboratory Subject Registry
The Mobilis Laboratory Subject Registry is a tool used to recruit healthy individuals and those with stroke for IRB-approved studies. The Registry will include circumscribed ... -
The objective of this study is to optimize imaging protocols and analysis for advanced diffusion-weighted MRI of the kidney. We hypothesize that this optimization will ... -
Controlling Behcet's Uveitis Through Transfer of Ex-Vivo Expanded Regulatory T Cells
The purpose of this study is to see whether we can massively expand autoantigen-specific Treg clones from patients with Behcet's Disease (BD), in particular ...