131 "Healthy volunteers" clinical trials found.
Technical Development Observational study for Microstructure MRI
Newly developed imaging protocols will conform to scanner safety requirements and any applicable FDA standards. The output of the scanning session will be in the ... -
PERSPIRE: A pilot study of Pro-rEsolving and pRo-inflammatory reSPonses to acute exhaustIve exeRcisE in healthy individuals
Observational, intervention study of the effects of acute, exhaustive exercise on pro-resolving and pro-inflammatory responses in healthy, trained and untrained adults. The study requires one ... -
The effect of transcutaneous auricular vagal nerve stimulation on pupillary response and perceptual learning.
Study 1: We will observe the use of taVNS versus sham setting(s) on healthy human subjects and observe pupillary response in a passive study ... -
Single-center observational longitudinal study to identify predictors of progression of joint damage after non-contact rupture of anterior cruciate ligament
Post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) is a common occurrence after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture independently of patient treatment, which indicates that early cellular and molecular changes ... -
Comprehensive Imaging of the Corneal Endothelium in Health and Disease using Wide-field Scanning Specular Microscopy
The purpose of this study is to determine if the images taken with the Konan CellChek C microscopy device may improve diagnosis and monitoring of ... -
Simultaneous Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting for Data Fusion of Quantitative Structural and Metabolic Imaging
This proposal seeks to perform an observational study, for evaluating a new non-invasive imaging technique that will provide multi-parametric metabolic 3D maps of the living ... -
Psychotic Spectrum Disorders (PSD) are severe mental syndromes associated with significant lifelong impairment and high prevalence. In this proposal we aim to employ non-invasive imaging ... -
Unpacking the Importance of the Structural Injuries of MTBI
To find imaging biomarkers of injury associated with symptoms in patients with MTBI by discovering the relationship between structural alterations and clinical status including cognition. -
In Vivo Insights of Small Vessel Changes with Age Using Ultra-Small-Superparamagnetic-Iron-Oxide (USPIO)-Enhanced MRI
This proposal seeks to perform an observational study for developing a new imaging tool using an ultra-small-superparamagnetic-iron-oxide (USPIO) contrast agent to characterize age-related microvascular changes ... -
Data-Driven Learning Framework for Fast Quantitative Knee Joint Mapping
We propose a rapid and robust approach for the quantitative multi-compartment assessment of knee cartilage using magnetic resonance imaging without using either exogenous contrast agent ...