Displaying 23 (all) recruiting clinical trials.
PNH Registry
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has been the Sponsor of a global PNH Registry since August 2004 and enrolling patients with PNH worldwide. The primary aim of ... -
Leveraging Biomarkers for Personalized Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder Comorbid With PTSD
The proposed study is a double-blind, 2-group randomized controlled trial designed to contrast acute and persisting effects of topiramate to those of placebo treatment in ... -
A Prospective multicenter study to examine the influence of repairing the sub-scapularis on outcomes after reverse arthroplasty: A randomized controlled trial.
Determine how repairing the subscapularis vs. not repairing the subscapularis when subjects are implanted with the AltiVate Reverse® Shoulder System for reverse total shoulder arthroplasty ... -
T2 Alpha Femur Antegrade PF
This investigation is a prospective, multicenter clinical investigation designed to examine the safety and efficacy/performance of the Femoral Nail PF of the T2 Alpha ... -
A Post-Market Clinical Evaluation of the Treatment of Femur Fractures with the Femoral Nail Greater Trochanter (GT) of the T2 Alpha Femur Antegrade GT/PF Nailing System
This prospective, multi-center, clinical investigation, designed to examine the safety and efficacy/performance of the Femoral Nail GT of the T2 Alpha Femur Antegrade GT ... -
Long-acting buprenorphine vs. naltrexone opioid treatments in CJS-involved adults (EXIT CJS)
This study seeks to meaningfully address the U.S. opioid epidemic by comparing the effectiveness of two medications used to treat opioid use disorder, extended-release ... -
Preventing Arthritis in a Multi-Center Psoriasis At-Risk Cohort (Multi-Center PAMPA Study)
This is a multi-center (North-America), randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, wait-list, interventional, preventive trial of guselkumab in high-risk psoriasis patients compared to non-biologic standard of care. Population ... -
Depression treatment and A dynamics: A study of Alzheimer s disease risk (ABD Study)
The study will use a randomized 8-week double-blind placebo controlled parallel trial using escitalopram to test the associations between depressive symptoms (captured by the MADRS ... -
Predicting poor vaccine responders to Hepatitis B vaccination
Hepatitis B vaccines are indicated broadly for the prevention of hepatitis B infection, yet the vaccine is not uniformly effective in all individuals. We need ... -
This study will evaluate the long-term safety and effectiveness of risdiplam (Evrysdi?), prescribed on the basis of the U.S. Package Insert (USPI) and clinician ...